A Quick Shout Out

11 years ago

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Hey all,

This is Emma posting today, in place of Marshall.  With him gone, and with me having something to post, I thought I would take it upon myself to share a great experience some of us had.

Ai and myself went to an executive lecture at the University of Utah last Friday.  One of my favorite professors, Dr. Abe Bakhsheshy spoke on Emotional Intelligence.  It was absolutely fantastic! 

He spoke on motivating others, researching and knowing your peers, being able to forgive others and letting things go, working on being likeable, delaying gratification and suppressing your anger, and working on being empathetic.  It was such a treat to hear him speak.  Dr. Abe is such a charismatic speaker who really reaches his students and audience.

I know we both felt very fortunate in being able to attend it. 

Thanks for letting me post!


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